Amazon Web Services Supports CfJ's Justice Through Code Program

December 03, 2020

I’m constantly confronted with the fact that there is a certain perception of me as someone who is dangerous and untrustworthy because I’ve been incarcerated. So we really have to put our energy into this work to uplift the communities that have been affected by systemic racism and mass incarceration and to allow people like myself to have a future and to dream that there could be something better for us and that we can fulfill our potential. We can’t do that without having a pathway to meaningful employment.

Aedan Macdonald, JTC Program Manager

This week, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced their support for the Center for Justice's Justice Through Code program. Justice Through Code is a free, semester-long program, developed in partnership with the Tamer Center for Social Enterprise at Columbia Business School, and provides formerly incarcerated individuals with technical and interpersonal skills training, mentorship, and job placement support. AWS will provide financial support and devices to students. These resources will unlock meaningful opportunities for formerly incarcerated people, and support Justice Through Code as the program grows to accommodate more students and place more people in internships that can lead to a sustainable career in tech.

Justice Through Code program manager Aedan Macdonald recently shared his personal story and vision for Justice Through Code at the virtual AWS Conference re:Invent. Watch the replay here

Read Amazon's official announcement

Learn more about Justice Through Code